Thursday, July 8, 2021

Two flood post

 I was learning about flood and how they can eraped.

I found it easy to learning about floods

I found it hard to get it finish in time

I really enjoyed it was so fun

Next time I will make it more dietaill

Fishing and making art about marbling

 I was learning about I was learning about molling and it was fun and I nearly as cool as my other fish but my other fish was still cool.

I found it easy to make my marbling and it was pretty cool because I like when Needed it and it so cool because I got to put it on the fish so the back grald looks good.

I found it hard to make it look good and stand out.

I really enjoyed art and doing it.

Next time I will  make the third one more detailed.

Art Portraits

 I was learning about Art and how we could make it qwoldey and and make it good and so I don´t have to go over it again and again and it was so fun doing Art and learning new thing for when I can start to do it again.

I found it hard to naw how to do it and so I can get it right and make it perfumed and so she can be in press and I can get to do it again and again it will be so good and than maybe I will get a gocher.

I really enjoyed learning about art and how it can make me charge.

Next time I will make it make sets and so it can make it easy.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Floods inquiry

I was learning about Floods and how they can create a flood and it it address when there is a flood.

I found it easy to not do the easy way and do the longer wah when you are doing a flood and do it good so you don´t mess up.

I found it hard to try ad find facts and put them in to a status and make it make sets.

I really enjoyed learning about floods.

Next time I will not rush with my stems this time.