Thursday, November 25, 2021

Pecha Kucha Muhi

We were learning about pecha kucha well.  Pecha kucha is when we have  20 things that we had to put down about this year like how the year 6s went to camp or like when the Year 5s went to morere hot pools.

I found it easy to do all my 20 slides at do some polyline. It was easy because we all ready did heaps of things that we could of put down but there weren't any space left.

I found it hard to start because I was away the first time they started it but then I got a couch up to the others and it was fun.

I really enjoyed working with my team and doing heaps of work and getting my things all down and not just sitting there and looking at the wall doing nothing.

Next time I will try and do more better next year if we do it and then I would be good and I can get my stuff done. And I can look how I have improved one pecha kucha.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kapa haka prformencs

  I was learning about how to make your writing more better with rich words and then we gotted to write a writing.

found it easy To do my kapa haka writing because I was not talking to anyone and that's How I got my things done in time for the next task.

I found it hard To start because I did not know what to write about so I gave it a go.

I really enjoyed doing My piece of writing and trying my best to do grant work.

Next time I will Put more rich words in to my writing but I gave it my all but I can try again.